Friday, April 25, 2008

Two Outings in One Day!

So yesterday was the day! I packed her up by myself and took her on an errand-to where else but Babies R Us - I figured that should be a pretty safe bet as being baby friendly : ) She really does not like being put in her carseat and always wakes up when we lay her in it. I don't know why because it's absolutely adorable! So she cried but then stopped as the car got moving. And then cried again for who knows why. And then stopped again. And then cried in the store. And then stopped again. And then cried half the way home. And then stopped again. The problem here is that she doesn't speak English and I can only figure out what is wrong about 75% of the time. But, regardless of that, I felt very accomplished, albeit frazzled by the time we got home. By the way, if you invest, check out Babies R Us stock, that place must be making a small fortune everyday.

Then last night we took her out for the Dining Out for Life fundraiser which benefits the Pierce County AIDS Association. Dozens of local restaurants donate proceeds from the dinners bought on that day to help fight AIDS in this area. We parked and put her in the moby-she was fine! The restaurant however, was closed. : ( We had chosen that one cause we didn't need reservations, so it was really our only option. So, we'll try next year. Of course we were starving so we stopped by Quiznos on the way home and ate there. And she still did really well, so that was great. Although, one note on the moby, it's a little hard to eat a sandwich over her and I felt a little bad dropping bread crumbs and red onions on to my daughter as she slept. But hey, you gotta do what you gotta do!

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