Saturday, April 5, 2008

Praise! Off the Bili - Bed!

A picture says a 1000 words! Evelyn Joy is off the bili-bed! At about 4pm this afternoon the nurse called to tell us that, based on today's test, Evelyn Joy's bilirubin level had dropped from 13.6 to 12 (under 10 is fully normal) and that the doctor said that we could take her off the bili-bed (read one of our earlier posts for what this is)!! This is a trial day - if her bilirubin goes back up a lot today then she may need to go back on the bed. But, we think it is a huge answer to our prayers and all of you who were praying with us

This is awesome news! Now we can cuddle with her and play with her and really learn a lot more about who this little beauty is as a person. Also, we will now be able to pick her up and rock her and walk with her to comfort her when she is crying. These things feel like really natural ways of comforting her and she responds to them really well. It was a killer to not be able to comfort her that way when she was crying on the bili-bed.

Also, this means that we can dress her up in lots of cute little outfits that she got at her baby showers! Look above for a picture of her in one of those. There will be a lot more where that came from on the Picasa picture album going forward.

Thank you again for your prayers and support for Evelyn Joy and her mommy and daddy!


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Bili info,
Hi guys, just wanted to say congrats first on getting rid of the "tanning bed" at least that's what we called it. Gavin was on there for 4 nights. I wanted to let you know some info our doctor told us about this Jaundice, I'm not sure if that's the right spelling. I guess the main reason they have them go on the beds even if the level is only in the teens, is to be preventative and get a handle on things before it gets worse. I remember the nurse saying that Gavin was doing good when he went from a 17 to a 14. When I asked the doctor later about what the actual scale looked like, he said that harm can be done when they stay elevated above a 30. To use a financial term, the nurses are mostly looking for a "trend" downward and it's eaiser and safer to be proactive in starting treatment like the tanning beds early on. The nurse also said that Gavin could bounce up the day after he gets rid of his bed, this actually did happen and then his beli continued on downward. I only mention this to you in an effort to prevent serious worry if it happens to you guys as well. I'm no medical expert so take my info with a grain or salt or something. Welcome to parenthood! Let the games begin. -Travis & Natasha