Monday, October 27, 2008

Fun Firsts

So yesterday was our church's Annual Fall Harvest Festival. It was a long day for me because I am in charge of this event, but it was also very fun because for the first time I was able to experience it with my own child. Everything went great from the professional side-we had tons of kids, bounce houses, carnival booths, cotton candy and more. It takes over 70 volunteers to put on this event and everyone had a great time, yay! And from the personal side it was so fun to be there with Evy, Bard had her try golfing at one of the booths and was disgusted when she put the club in her mouth. She was a trooper, being there for two hours getting a bit tired and cranky here and there but like the ham she is, always lighting up with a smile and cooing every time someone paid attention to her. Which of course was all evening! All in all it was a fun event, one that we'll do every year and I can't wait to see her toddling around next year (dressed as a ballerina) and playing the games the year after that (dressed as a ballerina!) Plenty of kodak moments! This is just one picture, of us with Amy and Asher, we have another party on Friday at a friend's house, so I'll post all the pictures then.

She had a couple of fun other firsts this weekend. She has always stood really well, bearing weight on her legs - while holding my hands of course - since she was just about a month old. This weekend she stood holding onto something else, by herself, for the first time! She can hold on to her crib and can stand holding on to the couch by herself too. Now, she can't pull herself up to it on her own yet, since she seems to have no desire to move around! But it's still pretty cute to see her standing there!

Also, she is learning to clap, which is hilarious. I'll clap with her, saying "Yay!" or doing pattycake. And then she'll clap after I let go of her hands. She has done it a few times on her own too. What is hysterical is how focused she is. Half the time she misses her hands or they're turned sideways. She'll just look at them, studying them with this serious expression on her face. You can almost see the wheels turning as she learns that she can control her body with her mind. Yes, the force is strong with this one.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Reaching, Cloth, and Other Baby Info

So I forgot to share the sweetest event that happened on our trip to Cali last month. On our flight down, we took turns holding Evelyn, and towards the end of the flight when she was awake, she started to get a little wriggly. She was about to eat and Bard was holding her, she was squirming around in his arms and I turned toward her and was talking to her when all the sudden she leaned toward me and reached out her arms for me to take her. It's the first time she has ever reached for me! It was such a sweet moment (although I think it made Bard a little sad!) I felt connected with her and it was as if she knew, trusted, that I would reach right back and hold her. I know as she gets older she'll reach for me many times and I will respond with open arms. I also know that she'll go through times of not reaching for me, and in fact reaching away. During those times (let's guess from age 14-18) I want to hold on to this memory and pray that I will always enjoy a beautiful relationship with my daughter.

Okay, now to do a complete subject change. Today, I put my baby in cloth diapers. Yup, she is green ; ) As many of you know, we had been planning to put her in cloth at three months but she was such a poopy baby I couldn't do it! Well, her super pooper days seem to be behind us so we ordered a diaper delivery service last week. I think I'll use the service for at least the first few months and then buy my own. So today I was all excited as I changed her into her first cloth diaper. Now I was just a little less excited 2 hours later when I changed her and she was poopy. That's my daughter! I was even less excited a few hours later when she was poopy again and let's just say I was cranky, cranky, cranky when she was poppy a third time by then end of the day. That's my daughter.

So today when Bard and I were eating lunch we were talking about, of course, politics. You would think we would be sick of the election, and we are, but we still like to make fun of the candidates. How can we help it when they give us so much good material? So Bard was asking Evelyn who she was going to vote for and he answered for her (she is not talking just yet!) saying that she would vote for Obama because she was young and young people vote for Obama. As quick as me I said no, she would vote for McCain because she was bald and bald people vote for McCain.
I know : )
And yes, I did just write "as quick as me."

Anyway, I have Evelyn's Halloween costume-she is going to be a baby ballerina! Original huh?! I wasn't sure but I was chatting with a few dance teachers I work with and they were so excited about the idea that I caught their enthusiasm! I got her costume together last Friday and I have to say she is possible the cutest thing ever. Ever. No, we're not taking her trick or treating but our church has a Harvest Festival this Sunday that yours truly is in charge of so we'll dress her up for that. Look out for some cute pictures on Monday!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Weirdest Sight Ever

Okay, so sorry if this is too much info, but it's just so funny I have to share! Besides, you all have read about everything from poop to breast feeding, so I guess there are no holds barred!

So, a couple of months ago I was taking a shower and I look up and see my two month old baby peering down at me. What?! Well, as many of you know, we have a clawfoot tub so the shower curtain hangs from a metal bar that is suspended from the ceiling and they are high ceilings so there is probably a good three feet of space between the top of the curtain and the ceiling. Still, a newborn baby head looking over the top while gripping the shower curtain bar with her tiny baby hands is quite unexpected! Of course Bard was holding her up, she is impressive, but not that impressive! Anyway, this has become a regular occurrence now, because every time I see her little face peering over the shower curtain I just crack up, it's so funny.

Now yes, this picture was staged, but I just had to do it, I'm telling you, it's hilarious. You should all try it with your babies sometime!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

I think I need to write about something happy since the last blog was a bit of a rant. So, I'll tell you about today, because we went to the pumpkin patch! I'm not quite sure of the point of taking a 6 month old to a pumpkin patch, other than of course the obvious cute photo opportunities, but we had fun : ) Evelyn was very solemn the whole time, which is unlike her, and made both Bard and I laugh. We think she was just talking everything in since so much was new to her. She looked at the goats, the chickens, and especially liked picking peas and flowers. Which was alright because this is a local farm and you can just go there and pick the produce. I liked going to this particular farm-they are organic and locally owned-because when I used to teach Montessori I would take my class there on a field trip. Now I was able to take my own child! We sat her in the pumpkin patch with a pumpkin and looked like idiots for several minutes while we tried to get her to look at us for a picture. She would have nothing to do with us and only wanted to chew on the pumpkin stem. Which of course Bard thought was a little gross and I figured it was fine ; ) Afterward we went and bought some produce, she is going to try some avocado tomorrow! The day was gorgeous, sunny and close to 60 but with that crisp fall air. All in all it was a fun time.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Catch Up, Part Three. . .Three Doctors

Oh my gosh. I don't even know what happened to the last week, it's all a blur! So after we got home from Cali Thursday night, Evelyn was still pretty stuffed up, but slept well that night. Friday she was okay, but Friday night was awful, she was up all night : ( So, Saturday morning since she had been sick nine days, I decided to call the Dr. They said that was pretty long since she is so little, so they had me bring her in. Then, I couldn't believe it, but the Dr said she had an ear infection! I hated it. I've tried to make all these good choices to help her stay healthy and not get sick, and of course it was our choice to fly knowing that put her at greater risk for an infection, but still, I was pretty frustrated. So, we were both out of sorts all day. She had to go on antibiotics which was even more sad for me cause I don't like the idea of her being on medicine when she is so little. We kept her pretty much quarantined for several days, figuring that the rest would help. She had her 6 month appointment in the midst of this, which I attended by myself for the first time since Bard couldn't take off work. I decided I like it better when he is there! But by Wednesday she didn't seem better, and in fact was acting worse! She was up all night, cried when she took her bottle (sucking puts pressure on her ears which hurts) and was constantly pulling at her poor little ear. So, I called the Dr again. They told me to bring her in Thursday morning, so we went in the middle of her nap time. She was a trooper though and stayed fine up until about 9:45 (45 minutes after she normally goes down) then she started to lose it a bit and fell asleep in my arms five minutes before the Doctor came in to check her out. Thankfully the Dr said both her ears were looking good and that she was probably extra sensitive because our weather just changed and the pressure drop hurts their ears, especially when they already have an infection. Who would have thought? She also told us to try giving her ibuprofen-she is just now old enough-because that is anti inflammatory and helps better than just tylenol. At this point my desire for some peace and rest (and for my daughter to feel better!) is outweighing my discomfort at giving her more drugs. She did pretty well the rest of the day, but was definitely fussy in the evening, so we tried the ibuprofen when we put her down. I don't know if it worked or not-she still woke up, but not as much as before. Still, four times is four times too many! I don't know what I'm going to do if I don't get a good night's sleep again, it seems like this has been going on forever. (Kind of like this blog!) Anyway, it's now Friday, she has been on the medicine for almost a week. I figure I'll give her til Sunday night and if she is still waking up I'm going to lock myself downstairs and sleep where I can't here her and just see what happens. Doesn't it seem like everything happens at once? Both Bard and I have a ton of job stress, she has been sick, fussy, and not sleeping, which means I'm not sleeping, which means all other stress is compounded. What a viscous circle. Oh well, at least I don't bank at Wachovia or have life insurance through AIG : )

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Catch Up, Part Two

Okay, so here is part two of my marathon blog catch up! See below if you want to read part one, which I know you do because who wouldn't want to read about Evelyn?!

As some of you know, a week ago Wednesday we made the last minute decision to fly down to California. We knew it would be a very crazy whirlwind of four days preparing to fly with a 6 month old, taking time off our jobs, and getting the house ready, but we figured we could get through it. So the first day after we bought our tickets, she came down with a cold. I couldn't believe it, I'm exclusively breast feeding-she is not supposed to get sick! but get sick she did and by Friday morning I was on the phone with the nurse to ask about flying with her being stuffed up. The nurse said it would increase her chance of getting an ear infection, but if she was nursing or taking a bottle during take off and landing, she should be fine. So we went on-after putting a humidifier in her room, elevating the head of her crib so she wasn't flat on her back, and beginning the daily ritual of sucking mucus out of her nose-an experience that is less than pleasurable.

The next day the cat got sick. Now some of you know that I've had this cat for years and got him during a hard time in my life so I'm pretty attached to him. You also may know that he seems to like to get urinary tract infections at the most inconvenient times. So, Bard went down to the basement to get his carrier so we could take him to the vet. And discovered that the washer had broke and flooded our basement. I know. I had a huge work training the next day that I was trying to get ready for, and we were flying out in two days. Bard also had a very stressful work situation come up and we were both trying to deal with that added pressure. Fortunately after a laugh and a cry with some good friends, I was reminded that with Christ I am "more than a conqueror" (Romans 8:37) and that I may be "hard pressed on every side, but not crushed" (2 Corinthians 4:8). So, we went on.

The training went well, I had left at 8:30am on Sunday morning, got home around 5pm and then started to get everything ready to fly out the next morning. Josh picked us up and we got to the airport without a hitch. Everything went well and Evelyn did great on the airplane. The flight attendants loved her and she slept well at the airport and on the plane, taking a bottle for take off and landing. Whew! Although, I do have one little poop story for you! So halfway through the flight I took her back to change her diaper. Which is fun to do in the world's smallest bathroom. She was a little poopy, which was fine. I cleaned her, put a new diaper on and stood her up to go back to our seats. She promptly spit up on me and the bathroom floor (it is not easy to bend over in a tiny bathroom while holding a squirmy grabby six month old). I cleaned that up, stood up again, and heard the unmistakable sound that tells me we have another poopy diaper to change. She smiled at me. The funniest thing is that my mom has very similar story about me potty training on an airplane. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. . .

Our first afternoon in Californian she did fine, she met her Aunt Genevieve and Grandpa David for the first time. She also got to see Grandee (Bard's mom) again and meet Grandpa Steve. Then came nighttime. She woke up absolutely screaming. I can't remember her ever waking up like that and by the time Bard and I got her calmed down, we were exhausted. Unfortunately for me she proceeded to wake up ever few hours for the remainder of the night. Morning came and I felt like I had been run over by a train. How did I do this for weeks after she was born? Unfortunately again, Bard had to go into the California office that day. The poor little thing was just not herself all day. On the plus side, she is so mellow and good natured that it was probably hard to tell that she didn't feel well. But I know my little girl normally smiles and laughs at everything, talks up a storm and generally has enough energy to solve our dependency on foreign oil (oops a little politics popping in there!) She had her first ferry ride, which normally would have fascinated her, but she was pretty quiet. I know, no daughter of mine is normally quiet! She also didn't nap as well, which was too bad for me cause I could have used a nap!

However, by evening she seemed to be doing better and we had a family dinner with Grandpa Steve's two daughters, who both have children just a little older than Evelyn. So that was nice and I had high hopes about sleeping Tuesday night! She did great and Wednesday was much more her normal self. Still pretty stuffy, but in general happy and chatty like normal. The weather was beautiful and she especially enjoyed nice walks with Grandee where she tried very had to put all sorts of pretty leaves and flowers in her mouth. She also became friends with Grandee's and Aunt Gen's dogs, which I think was her first time ever seeing a dog. She wanted very much to grab and poke them!

Wednesday we had dinner with Grandpa David, Bard's Dad, as well as Evelyn's great grandmother (Great Gam) and Aunt Gloria, Aunt Susan, Uncle Kevin and cousin Hobie, who were all seeing Evelyn for the first time. And we discovered something. Evelyn Joy can work the crowd. (Yes I can hear all of your smart aleck comments about where she got that from!) We sat her down at the table and she just went to town. She looked around at everyone, smiling, laughing, and squealing with joy! It was hilarious. Bard and I just looked at each other and said, "uh oh!"

The next day we were able to have just a bit more time visiting with family before flying out. Everything went fine at the airport but as we settled in our seats, I smelled something rather disturbing. I asked the flight attendant if I had time to change her. She said and I quote "Well, we're trying to get going but if you want me to hold the flight I will." I know. Now, as many of you know I don't do well with challenges like that, but for Bard's sake I just gave her the look (you know the one) and sat back. however, after three minutes had passed and we weren't taking off. I picked my daughter up, marched to the back of the plane, looked the flight attendant in the eye and said "If you have to hold the flight then that's fine but I'm changing my daughter!" She was lucky to get off with just that! Imagine, telling me to have my baby sit in filth for the next half hour! Sheesh : ) Anyway. I changed her and sat down. And then, they made the announcement about turning off electronic devices. And then they did the safety demonstration. And then, 25 minutes after I had been told I would hold up the flight, we started taxiing. I know. Well, my slight conniption fit aside, the flight went fine, Evy slept again and was happy to smile and laugh at everyone who walked by us on their way off the plane. We got home safely and she went to sleep, sleeping well through the night, all of us glad to have visited family but happy to be home again!

Stay tuned for part three. . . oh yes, there is more!

6 Months Old!

Catch Up, Part One

Wow, I have a lot of catching up to do! I apologize for being AWOL, it's been a fairly stressful and chaotic three weeks. Even for me there is too much to write for one blog, so I thought I would break it down a bit : ) I also posted a bunch of new pictures (see albums to the right).

On the fun side, Evelyn can do so many more things for herself now!

*A few weeks ago she started holding her bottle by herself, totally surprising me because she doesn't even have a bottle that often.

*She also can sit up on her own! Although her cute little noggin throws her off balance pretty easily and over she goes, but still, she is a lot stronger.

*She is eating regular food now! I blend up peas, bananas, sweet potatoes, or pears, and she eats them with her cereal. Sweet potatoes are by far her favorite, but we'll see if that changes as we continue to introduce new foods.

*The weather finally changed and so I am putting her summer clothes away. She finally is growing into her fall clothes, which is of course fun and sad : ( but she looks really cute in them!

*She turned 6 months last week and goes in for her check up on Tuesday. I can hardly believe it's been half a year. In some ways it seems like we always have had her, I can't barely remember what I did before she was here. Maybe sleep more : ) But on the other hand the time has just flown by. I was talking about her labor story (I know, you would think I would have blocked that from my memory) the other day and I remembered it like it was yesterday. Surrounded in a sleep deprived and painful haze, the memories of those early days are so precious to me, I will always treasure them.

*We've started teaching her sign language. At 6 months babies can start picking up simple phrases. So we've introduced 2-all done and more. We'll use them every time we say the words and gradually introduce more. I'll let you know how it goes!

*She started drinking from her own little cup. She had water for the first time and doesn't seem too impressed, but drank some nonetheless. The sippie cup is different from her bottle nipple and that is taking some getting used to, but she looks like such a big girl!

Whew, well, there is part one, I'll post the rest over the next few days. It's been a pretty long week, so I need to go eat a brownie!