Monday, October 20, 2008

Reaching, Cloth, and Other Baby Info

So I forgot to share the sweetest event that happened on our trip to Cali last month. On our flight down, we took turns holding Evelyn, and towards the end of the flight when she was awake, she started to get a little wriggly. She was about to eat and Bard was holding her, she was squirming around in his arms and I turned toward her and was talking to her when all the sudden she leaned toward me and reached out her arms for me to take her. It's the first time she has ever reached for me! It was such a sweet moment (although I think it made Bard a little sad!) I felt connected with her and it was as if she knew, trusted, that I would reach right back and hold her. I know as she gets older she'll reach for me many times and I will respond with open arms. I also know that she'll go through times of not reaching for me, and in fact reaching away. During those times (let's guess from age 14-18) I want to hold on to this memory and pray that I will always enjoy a beautiful relationship with my daughter.

Okay, now to do a complete subject change. Today, I put my baby in cloth diapers. Yup, she is green ; ) As many of you know, we had been planning to put her in cloth at three months but she was such a poopy baby I couldn't do it! Well, her super pooper days seem to be behind us so we ordered a diaper delivery service last week. I think I'll use the service for at least the first few months and then buy my own. So today I was all excited as I changed her into her first cloth diaper. Now I was just a little less excited 2 hours later when I changed her and she was poopy. That's my daughter! I was even less excited a few hours later when she was poopy again and let's just say I was cranky, cranky, cranky when she was poppy a third time by then end of the day. That's my daughter.

So today when Bard and I were eating lunch we were talking about, of course, politics. You would think we would be sick of the election, and we are, but we still like to make fun of the candidates. How can we help it when they give us so much good material? So Bard was asking Evelyn who she was going to vote for and he answered for her (she is not talking just yet!) saying that she would vote for Obama because she was young and young people vote for Obama. As quick as me I said no, she would vote for McCain because she was bald and bald people vote for McCain.
I know : )
And yes, I did just write "as quick as me."

Anyway, I have Evelyn's Halloween costume-she is going to be a baby ballerina! Original huh?! I wasn't sure but I was chatting with a few dance teachers I work with and they were so excited about the idea that I caught their enthusiasm! I got her costume together last Friday and I have to say she is possible the cutest thing ever. Ever. No, we're not taking her trick or treating but our church has a Harvest Festival this Sunday that yours truly is in charge of so we'll dress her up for that. Look out for some cute pictures on Monday!


Unknown said...

There's nothing in the world like your child reaching for you is there?!:-)There's another really cool thing about the heart of God in that. He loves to have us reaach for Him like that. Oh man, that makes me feel so good!
I can't wait to see pictures of the adorable little baby ballerina. Let me guess... pink?!

Anonymous said...

FWI, these work great for poooooopie diapers:

What kind of cloth diapers do you use? I look forward to seeing the ballerina tomorrow! The twins are going to be peas and carrots..get it? lol Brian and I will be gardners...yup, we are that cheesy.