Saturday, August 9, 2014

It was the best of times, it was the puke of times...

Well, we are back in our second apartment-my favorite-but my joy is just a tad tempered by the copious amounts of bodily fluid that has been purging itself from our bodies with cruelty and efficiency reminiscent of the Great Soviet Purges from the 1930s.

Don't you just love a good opening that involves a run on sentence, bathroom talk, and an obscure history reference?!

We had a nice visit yesterday morning, left a little early so we could pack the last few items and then booked it out of there  because the cleaning lady was breaking down our door.  That woman loves to clean!  Vitaly helped us move again and since I had more than one hour notice, we had eaten most of our food and I was able to pack better so we didn't almost break his car.  We arrived at our new-old-place just fine and I was so glad to be back at this lovely apartment!  It is about 2, maybe 3 blocks closer to Maidan, which is nice, has a great view of the city block and a bit of the arch and our "Tacoma Dome" and is right across the street from a coffee shop which they are quickly repairing so that I can spend my money there before going home.

Bard was feeling tired and wanted to rest for a while.  That was an instant red flag for me because whether he is carting all our groceries home on the 200 degree subway, dragging our luggage up four flights of stairs, or getting up with the girls when they cry out at night, he is indomitably a trooper.

He's my hero.

I figured he was a bit tired and dehydrated so I had him drink some water and we all just had quiet time.  Which was rudely interrupted by the unmistakable sound of my poor husband bowing down to the porcelain god.  A blasphemous act of worship he proceeded to repeat 6 times over the next 4 hours.  Listen, when you take those marriage vows, that's no joke!

Unfortunately this was accompanied by some regrettable moments of motherhood.  The girls were fighting and being rude, I was incredibly short tempered, we were out of water, etc.  I had picked up some items at the store (this little "Produkti" is our favorite, it's tiny but somehow you can find everything in that place!) but had thought we would go out for dinner and then pick up a five gallon jug of water.  Nope.  Instead I nearly lost it with the girls, trying to get them asleep, worrying about leaving Bard alone, needing to go out and be back before dark, bleh.

Love covers a multitude of sins.

Interesting, I had just shared that truth with a friend.

The girls finally went to sleep, I found all our phones, passports, cash, travel insurance cards, and left Bard lying on the bathroom floor because I didn't want him walking back and forth while I was gone.  I made it to the store (again) and back, and he was still lying on the floor, now with a dripping wet towel around his head because he had felt so hot.


On the plus side, that was the worst it got (knock on wood!)  Bard went to bed and has kept all his bodily fluids where they belong, he slept through the night and has kept down water, Sprite, and now half a piece of toast. I stayed up a bit, discovering The Goldbergs, because I was a little nervous that I would go to bed and then someone would start puking-maybe even me!  Unfortunately Evelyn did get sick first thing in the morning, but it was just once and she has held down water (it's noon.) She was fairly normal throughout the morning and now they are both sleeping.  So far Cici and I seem okay, she is coloring and chatting away about buying new markers and how she only wants "girl" stickers, not ones with boys on them.  We're getting ready to head back to the store-next time you are sick, pretend you don't have clean water :/ and I put a load of sheets in the wash on the highest temperature  (Ohhh, that weird metal thing in all my closets is a drying rack.  Huh.  Good to know!)

I still think it was maybe something we ate-because Bard had quite a bit of Kielbasa and the rest of us had only a little-and because there was no fever or any other symptoms.  Plus, if it was something we ate, then I don't have to worry about Cici or myself coming down with it tomorrow or Monday.  That would be terrible-not just for the obvious reasons but because we already missed a visit today and if we are sick Monday, we'll miss family time as well.

So hoping my next update is a great one-until tomorrow-Da zavtra!

1 comment:

MamaStork said...

I hope he feels better soon!

And, for the record, I got your obscure history reference. :p