Saturday, July 26, 2008


I cannot believe the amount of diapers my daughter goes through-and if you've read the previous posts, you know why! Sometimes when I know she needs to be changed, I really want to put it off, dreading the process of pulling out yet another diaper and going through the whole changing ordeal. However, recently I've been thinking of diaper changes in another way-with gratitude. I have clean diapers that I can change Evelyn into. I don't have to worry about stretching her diapers out, making them last, and wondering if I'll be able to afford the next pack. (Just for a frame of reference, a week's worth of diapers is between $12 and $15)
My new found gratefulness came after Bard and I helped at a local food pantry that provides people in need with groceries. When we arrived, a few minutes after the scheduled opening, people were lined up around the building. As the people come in, they fill out a pre-printed "menu" marking the items they need-fruit, pasta, soup, toilet paper, etc. Then they turn the menu in to us, we put together bags with their requested items, and call their number so they can come retrieve their groceries. It's really a great system. As I said, we arrived just after they opened. There was a package of diapers available to people,and each person who requests diapers receives three or four in their bag. The diapers were gone within minutes. For the rest of the evening when mothers asked for diapers we had to tell them no. Apparently this is very common, as diapers are very expensive so the food pantry does not normally have enough to meet demand.
As a mother, I simply cannot imagine not having a clean diaper to put on my child. Even if you are not a mother, I'm sure you can picture how miserable that would be. If you go to Discovery Church, you've probably already heard that we are doing a diaper drive to help stock the food pantry's supply. And I encourage you to bring a package of diapers, any size to church this Sunday. But even if you don't go to Discovery, I can guarantee that wherever you are, there are mothers in need of help. Maybe you think it's because they made bad choices, and who knows? But I hardly think their little babies deserve to wear dirty diapers just because of some bad choice made in the past. Can you do me a favor? Go right now and add a pack of diapers to your grocery list. Then, just look up a local food closet and drop the diapers off there this week. I know there are people all over the country reading this blog (not because of me, I just happen to have a very cute baby!) and wouldn't it be amazing if food pantries all around the US experienced a mysterious influx of diapers?! Don't worry about the religious association of the food pantry or if they are a worthy organization. Simply give and know that you are helping a mother, and a baby, in need.

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