The one that really cracks me up is her growling. She did this quite a while ago but then stopped. For whatever reason she has picked it up again and loves to just sit on the floor playing and growl. What is hilarious is that her cousin Henry was pretty infamous for his growling. So we figure it is a Collier gene, which will come as a surprise to no one.
She also now likes saying “Oh.” Except she doesn’t just say it short like that, she drags it out, “Ohhhhhhh.” She is very serious and it’s just as if she is taking in everything around her!
Last week I was reading my friend’s blog and she has twins who are a few weeks older than Evelyn. She was commenting on how her daughter said “duck” the other day and now loves to say it all the time. I thought that was so odd and random, and really pretty impressive. So imagine my surprise when a few days ago as I was changing Evelyn, clear as a bell, she said “duck”! Weird. She hasn’t said it since then, but it was unmistakable. So, all my linguist and speech therapy friends, is that some common sound formation? I don’t think she has ever seen a duck and she doesn’t have any duck toys, so the word has no meaning to her, but it sure was strange! What are the odds of that? Peer pressure starts young I guess. ; )
But by far her favorite of favorites is a whooshing sound that she makes all the time. It kind of sounds like Darth Vader breathing but without the “kuh” sound. If that makes sense to you, congrats, you’re weird like me. What it REALLY sounds like is the whooshing sound from LOST before they go into one of the character's back stories. Now, if you have no idea what I’m talking about, stop right now, go watch the first 4 seasons of the best TV show ever and then come finish this blog. Okay. What is so funny is that I had never seen this show until after she was born and people kept recommending it to me to watch while she was nursing (you have a lot of time where you’re just sitting and can’t do anything. I also read over 100 books during 5 months so don’t think you can give me a hard time!) You can watch LOST free online so I figured I would give it a try. I was hooked immediately and watched all four seasons in a very short period of time. Seriously, it is so good! You guys know that Bard and I watch barely any TV and it’s kind of funny cause our friends are always talking about shows and we have no clue what is going on, but this one is a keeper. Anyway, naturally since I was nursing her, she was right there with me and heard all the sounds (if you want to debate whether or not this is good parenting, please send me an email, but only if you have nursed a baby for nine months or more). The whooshing sound is pretty common and I am absolutely convinced that she learned it from LOST! You might think that would dismay me, and no, we don’t plan on letting her watch TV for quite a while and even then it will be pretty limited (our family TV spent most it’s time in a closet which I hated then but now think was pretty good). But I’m ecstatic! Yes, the show is just that good : ) By the way, if you’re not doing anything January 21st, we’re having a kick-island party, so let me know if you want to come! Sorry Chris, this was another long blog, but you gotta admit, it was worth it!
You now have the coolest baby I know! Will her first numbers be 4 8 15 16 23 42?
Hehe, and her first sentence will be, "Live together, die alone!"
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