Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Childhood Staples!

Yes it's been snowing, not sure how impressed Evelyn is, but she sure looks cute!

So in the last few weeks Evelyn has eaten two childhood staples-mac n cheese and a grilled cheese sandwich. Many of you know that cheese is the ultimate comfort for me, if all I had were cheese and brownies, life would be so good. So I had a fun time making cheese dishes for her, especially because I enjoyed them both so much when I was a kid. However, these cheese dishes are very different from the ones I ate! First of all, I always wanted "the blue box", yeah, you know the one! I did eat mac and cheese out of a blue box, but it was Albertsons store brand blue box, not "The" blue box. And that always drove me crazy! Bard can attest to the fact that sometimes even now I'll actually buy a box of Kraft mac n cheese and eat it-even knowing that I'm probably not eating real cheese but some chemical conglomeration! And yes, my mom did make home made mac n cheese, but of course I didn't like it. Sheesh, chemicals taste good! ; ) Anyway, Evelyn eats healthier than anyone I know (Bard and myself included) so for her mac n cheese I had organic whole wheat pasta that I mixed with some shredded (Tillamook of course) cheddar cheese and breast milk. Just like the blue box, right?! She was pretty fascinated by the noodles and I'm not sure how much she ate, but it was fun for me.

The next week we tried a grilled cheese sandwich (of course she eats maybe a quarter of it) and she loved it! I haven't made it for her since then and probably won't for a while cause she can be getting her protein and carbs without all that butter-in fact it was the first time she ate butter! But I had fun because I ate grilled cheese sandwiches all the time when I was prego. I didn't crave them, they were just the only thing that sounded good. So it was pretty funny to see how much she liked it!

Feeding her overall is fun because it's interesting to try new things. So far she seems to be the unpickiest child ever. I can mix anything together-chicken, peas, carrots, and applesauce, and she'll eat it! She hasn't turned anything down yet and I'm trying to add more and more to what she eats. Lately I've been adding seasonings-cinnamon on applesauce, oregano or garlic on chicken because I read that one reason why children may only like bland food is that that is all they have when they're babies. Makes sense. She doesn't ever have things with added sugar or salt, but there are a lot of fun flavors out there that we can try. If my dad has his way, I'm sure she'll be enjoying food seasoned with red pepper flakes before I know it!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah, the power of cheese! I still love a toasted cheese sandwich when nothing else sounds good. Maybe dad WOULD put some red pepper flakes in that mac n cheese for her. Poor baby! She is definitely super cute in her snowsuit, even if she doesn't know quite what to do with it yet. :-)