Saturday, September 6, 2014

What now? - Home for a week.

I really can't spend a lot of time writing this blog because today is a two piece chocolate cake kind of day and the slice in the fridge needs me to eat it before jet lag hits too strong and I can't enjoy its fudgy goodness anymore!

So. We have been home for five days now and have adjusted back to our normal routine of daily Target runs quite well. But what is life like and what do the next few weeks hold for Max? It's funny how much difference even a few days can make, especially considering what this kid is adjusting to-us, a new language, new food, time difference, routine. Just Sunday I was stressing about Max being on a schedule. With school starting it would be really difficult for him to nap willy nilly. But within  just five days of moving across the world-nap time schedule-check. Tomorrow marks two weeks since Max joined our family and I traumatized him by offering the poor child cold yogurt.  I've been pulling my hair out at the frustration of his food needing to be warm before he would keep it in his stubborn little mouth for longer than a second.  This morning I gave him cold yogurt (gasp, don't tell the nannies!) right out of the fridge and he ate it up like nothing's nothing.  His bottle can be room temperature now and although he still is a disaster when eating, it's a manageable disaster, not def con five.  Honestly, I'm just not a fan of this eating stage.  I didn't like it with Evelyn or Cecilia, and I don't like it now.  It's very limiting, they can't do anything for themselves, going places during a scheduled meal is difficult, and feeding takes forever and is super messy.

Football season-a great excuse for
coordinating outfits!
I think I have bought bibs every day this week.

I'm angry that he is in this phase solely because the orphanage chose to keep him on an all liquid diet.  It's not fair for him and means that he has some catching up to do. But, we give him a spoon to hold while feeding him and today he lifted it to his mouth.  We put tiny bits of food on his tray and give him a few bites with every meal. He seems to think that half a centimeter size of banana means we're trying to poison him, but I feel confident he'll learn and won't start first grade while still eating Gerber. We also put his hands on his bottle several times while he is drinking it-which he also takes as bad parenting, but as anyone who has met can attest, I am more stubborn than all ya'll and he will learn too-choose your battles Max, choose your battles.

Healthy, independent eating habits and coordinating outfits are always going to be losing battles for you-go for something else, like can your favorite color be green. Sure babe, whatever you want!

That brings us up to today.  After a whirlwind few days (ha, few months!) of family dinners and shopping extravaganzas, we started today off by saying goodbye to Dada :(  Bard went back to work and left me seriously outnumbered by chatty children.  But you know what, we did okay?! Yes, I had to bleach my bathtub after chunks from Mr Poopy Pants showed up where they most definitely DO NOT belong. Yes, I just discovered today that my preschooler does not in fact start school tomorrow but on Friday. Yes, I am so mind numbingly tired that as Evelyn would say, "My body is pulling me because it wants to lay down and go to sleep."  But when we left the house this morning, we had everything we needed, the dishes were d


Okay, so that is where I fell asleep while blogging...on is now Saturday.

Hello jet lag!!

And while I would love to fill you in on the week, I barely remember it :)  However, I will say that Evelyn and Cecilia started school without a hitch (on the right days) and outnumbered or not, I already told you, the coordinating outfit is a battlefield I will die on. And in just several more days, Max has already hit more milestones-he slept through the last two nights without waking to eat, he is freaking out marginally less when I dare to put something that is not mush in his mouth, and he held his own bottle (it only had two ounces in it and may have been an accident, but baby steps people, baby steps!)  And I've had my own milestones-taking all three children to the Dr-and surviving, loading and unloading all three children without once regretting the super good decision to NOT buy a minivan-take that suburbia, and of course, not becoming a stay at home alcoholic while I juggle doctors appointments, cleaning, washing four million bibs (note to self, buy more bibs), naps, eating my desserts, uploading 8 thousand pictures, school lunches, and falling asleep on the couch by 8pm at night.  The last one is cutting into my dessert goal.

Here's a question.  I am still eating 2 desserts a day but no longer walking 6 miles a day.  Does anyone have a formula to predict how long it takes me to gain 50 pounds?

So life is settling into a semi normal, but is that it for us?  Food and sleep transitions and then we're good?

No.  I'm not sure if life ever settles into a new kind of normal after an international adoption, but it definitely won't be the case anytime soon for us.  Max is unchartered territory and our main job right now is to explore, discover, and claim ownership.

I am unwritten
Can't read my mind, I'm undefined
I'm just beginning
Pen's in my hand, ending's unplanned

Loving his new swing!
We were given four separate diagnoses when we were first met Max.  One was dismissed immediately by our Dr at the UW International Adoption Clinic (if you are adopting CONTACT them.)  Another was shown to not have any merit fairly early on, and a third was declared better by our own pediatrician when we took Max in on Tuesday to have his cough checked out (TB test came back negative as well.)  So you would think that would be very good news-and it is-it's just that the 4th diagnosis is the doozy and we also have three new issues to worry about-and believe me-they're worrisome.

Staring at the blank page before you
Open up the dirty window
Let the sun illuminate the words
That you could not find

Sometimes I look at Max and wonder what on earth is going to happen to him. Other times I just see a regular little boy who needs a lot of food, a lot of love, and a lot of  time so that he can just be regular-for the first time in his little life. The labels frustrate me.  I've never liked all the "women are so and so and men are such and such" books.  I think I blogged a while ago about being annoyed that since I am "Type A" I can't possibly be "Creative" or a "Visionary."  

Uh. . . .Dance much?

And if labels about myself are irritating then guess what happens when you mix them with a protective mom who just moved heaven and Putin to adopt her son?! (Sidenote, very soon I have a blog coming that is song lyrics all about Putin, I call it my "Putin Monster Mash Up"  I am pretty sure it will be my greatest accomplishment.  Ever.)  But the fact is, Max is very small, and that is a concern. He has a heart defect and will likely need surgery at some point. It would be surprising if his birth mom didn't drink while pregnant, and it's hard to tell right now if his delays are due to institutionalization or f we'll be dealing with other issues later on down the road.

Reaching for something in the distance
So close you can almost taste it
Release your inhibitions
Feel the rain on your skin

But today he giggled uncontrollably as his sister tickled him in the car.  And he crawled from the front room to the kitchen-going into another room on his own-a big step for someone who played in the same 8x8 room with 10 other children for the first year of his life.  And he ate a blueberry.  And he looked at me while I gave him his bottle-a big step for someone who has been ignored by just about every other adult in his life.

I don't know what Max's life is going to look like.  I don't know if he'll need surgery next month or next year. I don't know when he'll learn to talk or what challenges he'll face as he approaches milestone after milestone.  But I do know one thing. 

I am his mom.

Whatever the battle may be, I choose Max.  I will get tired (uh, I am tired.)  I will be angry and I will be sad. I will loose my patience and my sanity more times than I can count, but I will get up and loose them all over again.  Honestly, I've done all that with my two children, known since birth.  The frustration they brought out in me, the downright I-am-going-to-scream-because-I-am-so-angry-and-I-never-even-knew-I had-a-temper-before-I-had-children-feeling of utterly losing it, well, let's just say I must have missed that chapter in "What to Expect When You're Expecting."

You can't know your children.  And you know what, I don't think you're supposed to. Hey, if this is coming from a control freak, you should highlight that sentence. Maybe print it out first, but whatever. This is what I know about my kids.  They're mine.  All three of them.  So yes they will drive me crazy, but I get to return that favor and besides that, they're mine to love.  That love may look a little different for Max than it does for his sisters, as I sit in hospitals or physical therapy.  But it's all love, just the same.

That's my new normal.

For you created my inmost being;
    you knit me together in my mother’s womb.
 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
    your works are wonderful
Psalm 139

Celebrating 2 months since we met Max.


MamaStork said...

I'm glad that things are going well for you all. Hopefully everything with Max's health goes well.

Unknown said...

Hilarious, check.
Inspirational, check.
Note to self - don't EVER get in the way of this mama, she's fierce!
Love this mama's family!